

DISCOVER: How To Turn Your Drawings Into Colouring Book Graphics, That You Can Use In Your Self Publishing!

Save you and your publishing from any Copyright Issues Ever!

Dear Friend,

You want to make more royalties?

The answer is better quality book interiors and high-quality Covers

Making unique books and covers will always give you a better chance on making more royalties.

Would you like to discover how to create your own colouring book graphics from your own drawings?

Use in your low content books.

It’s only getting harder and harder to find good graphics for colouring books at reasonable prices. Designs and cost are going up. Monthly subscriptions on a few of the graphics sites are getting more and more expensive each year…

If these costs keep getting higher and higher, how are you going to still turn a profit on any of the books you create.

Simple answer, you won’t…

Here’s another situation that I keep seeing, ACCOUNT BANNED FOR COPYRIGHT!

Have you seen it to, lots of accounts being banned for using graphics that had copyrights on them… Not sure about you, but can you imagine the heart ache.

Lets say you’re doing well on KDP and one image graphic you used, had copyrights on it. Guess what happens, THEY SHUT YOU DOWN and lets say you where earning a nice $1000, $1500 or more a month.


YOUR earnings disappeared overnight because of this one graphic you used with copyrights on it… I wouldn’t want anyone to go through this, let alone myself.

Would you really want to take the risk here!

Even if you are just starting out and only making a couple hundred $ each month, this is a lot of money to some of you out there.

Why would you risk losing it all…

Do the right thing and always check your copyrights on all images you use. Keep yourself and business in tacked… If you are creating your own graphics, you own them so no copyright issues ever.

Have you ever wanted a real way to create your own products you can sell. This could be the way for you to go…


Graphics Creation Workshop

Graphics Creation Workshop

What Do We Cover Inside The Course Workshop?


The graphics creation workshop is a short course of just seven videos. Here you will learn how to take your drawings and turn them into a digital graphics. From line art tracing, to colouring them in with Photoshop.

You’ll also learn the right way to saving files in the right formats. These you can then use for yourself and within your own books. You’ll also be able to sell them as graphics packs if you choose.

The video parts we cover are as follows –

Setting Your Page Size – You’ll need the right page size here, so you can set the graphics to the correct size needed.

Uploading Your Drawings And Setting Layers – This may be simple to some, however a lot of you have trouble with the techy parts so we cover it here for you.

Line Art Tracing – This is the main video on creating your drawings nito real line art digital graphics.

Saving File Formats – Saving your graphics to the correct file type can be confusing to a lot of people. We cover it in this video with saving PNG, Transparent PNG and SVG files.

Colouring Your Graphics With Photoshop – We cover the colouring here with Photoshop, so you will need it. In this video we covers how to colour and shade your graphics to bring them alive.

Bonus 1 Designing Interior Pages – This is a little extra video on how to use your graphics and design an interior page.

Bonus 2 Covers And Keywords – Here we cover a video on creating a cover for you. We also cover how we are doing keyword research, along with adding that keyword on to the cover we create in this video…

Bonus 3 – 9 Page Types –
In this video, I show 9 different interior page types you can create for you books and publishing.

Who Is This Workshop For?

The Things You Will Need Before Taking The Graphics Creation Workshop!


Their are a couple of free parts here and one paid tool you will need…

Ink-scape – Free Download.

Photoshop for colouring – Paid. Or you can use another tool, if you know how to doing the colouring parts yourself.

Your own drawings – Free, but you’ll need drawing paper, pencils and rubbers.

You’ll also need a way to take pictures of your drawings and upload them onto your computer. Eg, Phone, Scanner, Camera… You may be able to use a photocopy too, to upload your drawings.

I wanted to be totally honest here, and let you know that you’ll need an extra paid tool before you buy into my course workshop…

I have been their myself when you buy into something, and then find out you need to spend more money on more tools, just to be able to do it…

Photoshop cs6 is the one I use and the one I recommend, so you can follow along without any confusion.

I want to make it easy for you to purchase this workshop today… But before I get to the cost of the workshop. I want to make it a no brainer you can not refuse…

So, How About Some Cool Bonuses!

Bonus # 1 – Elefun Elephants Graphics Pack.

Bonus # 2 – Elefun Elephants Accessories Pack.

Bonus # 3 – Elefun Elephants Colour By Numbers Pack.

Bonus # 4 - Elefun Elephants + Accessories Packs Colourized Packs.

Bonus # 5 – Sea Animals Graphics Pack.

Bonus # 6 – Sea Animals Colouring Pack.

Bonus # 7 – 40 Sea Background Pack.

Bonus # 8 – 20 Sea Backgrounds Colourized Pack.

Bonus # 9 – 20 Dragons Pack.


WOW OH WOW – What a bunch of bonuses you’ll be getting here…

I’ll be throwing in these bonus packs, just so you can see all the work that goes into the creations, you could be creating for yourself…

Here's What Our Testers Are Saying!

Simon has put together a very good course here. If you are looking to improve your graphic creation skills, then this new course is for you.

You will learn how to create assets for use in your colouring books. Using your own graphics, pictures and hand drawn sketches! A necessary skill, if you like to create unique books for Amazon publishing.

There are 7 simple and to the point step by step videos. This over the shoulder training will teach you how to create line art and how to colouring them.

You will also get 3 bonus videos on creating interior pages and different page types. Plus, how to find keywords and tips on creating book covers.

A useful short little course and a great skill to learn.

Thanks Simon… Robin Slee

I have been working with Simon for over ten years. He is one of the best at creating custom graphics that I have had the pleasure of working with. This current workshop that he is offering.

Offers so much more than I have ever seen. If you want to learn the process for creating colouring books or develop children’s book Simon is your man.

If you have ever tried and thrown up your hands from frustration, or just found the process to be to much you really need to see what Simon is offering here. Simon is a KDP expert.

Thanks for letting me check it out Simon.

Jonathan Murdock

Simon has done a great job here, thank you.

Having done the course I’ve learnt things I didn’t know before.

I enjoyed the over the shoulder approach.

It’s all in a very easy to follow format. Really enjoyed the course.

Kevin Montes

What’s It Going To Cost You Today?


I’ m sure you can see the incredible value here, Don’t wait… Grab Yours Now!

I feel that $97.00  is a fair price for the amount of value you’ll be getting here.

This will only be available at the crazy low price of just $97.00  for the launch week, and after the price will rise to $197.00

This is NOT false scarcity here, the price will go up after the launch has ended….

Save Yourself $100.00 Today!

Click the buy button right now to grab your copy today!

Why You Need This Workshop?

The benefits from taking this workshop will allow you to create your own graphics from your own drawings.

These graphics can then be used within your books for KDP, print-on-demand items, websites you’ve created, Etsy sellers, Colouring books or like myself you can create graphics packs you can sell to others and make a little extra income…

A long with the problems a lot are having with copyrights, and having accounts shut down. You won’t have this problem, because you are the creator and owner of said graphics…

Let’s Have A Recap At Everything You’ll Be Getting In This Workshop...


Graphics Creation Workshop – Seven Part Video Course………………………………………………. Value $197.00

Bonus # 1 – Elefun Elephants Graphics Pack………………………………………………………………… Value $27.00
Bonus # 2 – Elefun Elephants Accessories Pack……………………………………………………………. Value $37.00
Bonus # 3 – Elefun Elephants Colour By Numbers Pack…………………………………………………. Value $37.00
Bonus # 4 – Elefun Elephants + Accessories Packs Colourized Packs……………………………… Value $47.00
Bonus # 5 – Sea Animals Graphics Pack……………………………………………………………………….. Value $27.00
Bonus # 6 – Sea Animals Colouring Pack………………………………………………………………………. Value $37.00
Bonus # 7 – 40 Sea Background Pack……………………………………………………………………………. Value $37.00
Bonus # 8 – 20 Sea Backgrounds Colourized Pack…………………………………………………………. Value $47.00
Bonus # 9 – 20 Dragons Pack……………………………………………………………………………………….. Value $27.00

Total Value Here Today………………………………………..   Total Value $520.00

I’m Sure You Can See The Incredible Value Here, Don’t Wait... Grab Yours Now!

I feel the $97.00 is a fair price for the knowledge you’ll be gaining here…

This will only be available at the crazy low price of just $97.00 for the launch week, and after the price will rise to $197.00

This is NOT false scarcity here, the price will go up after the launch has ended….

Pick it up today to save $100.00 off the regular price

HIT that buy button below to grab A copy of the Graphics Creation Workshop today!

All the best,

Simon Newcombe…

P.S Don’t miss out on this amazing deal today, you’ll be kicking yourself when you come back to a higher price…

Simon Newcombe



Is there a money back guarantee?

All sales are final. There’s no refund given on this video workshop. You’ll have instant access after purchase to everything offered on this page. Please be sure to read everything on this page carefully before you make your purchase.

We stand 100% behind this workshop and our work.

Do you offer any support?

Feel free to contact us at [ support@lcbgraphics.com ] if there is any issue downloading or you are having any problems with gaining access to the products.

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