
Flash Sale Tools And Swipes

Email Swipes

Warm up – Subject Lines:

It’s Coming Soon – Huge KDP Graphics Bundle!
Just days away – Something cool is coming?
How to up your colouring books production?
Colouring book are bigger than ever, Are you in this niche?

Promotion Email – Subject Lines:

Crazy, Crazy Low, Low PRICE – Buy Now!
KDP – Huge DISCOUNTED Graphics Bundle?
WOW! This is Some Offer – You Can Not Miss It?
SAVE $200 Right Now?

Warm up Body:

Hey there, {First Name},

If you’ve been in the colouring book niche for a while, you’ll know how big it is…

The hardest part with colouring books –
is having the best graphics you can buy…

The second hardest part is being able to afford them…

Over the next day or so, My Buddy Simon Newcombe is having a HUGE DISCOUNTED FLASH SALE –

On a years worth of his Graphics Pack –
You won’t want to Miss it!

Keep your eyes open for my next email…

You should get in early as you’ll be able to
SAVE $200 on the regular price…


[Your Name]

Promotion Email – Body:

Hey There {First-Name},

If you saw my last email then today is the day of the
HUGE Discounted Graphics Bundle!

The Flash Sale – Is Live Right Now! << Link >>

This is not the sort of offer that comes around often – Don’t Miss Out – On this Discounted offer…

My Buddy Simon Newcombe has been drawing most of his life from a young child.

Then about a years ago, he learn’t hot to turn his drawings into line art for colouring books –

He has been selling then online in packs for colouring book publishers for the last year or so…

This discount offer is all of Simon’s packs from last year…

Go here Right Now – << Link >>

Save yourself with this $200 bucks off the regular price…

You will be able to make hundreds of colouring books with this amount of High-Quality Graphics Bundle…

Each pack has 30 graphics, One has 35 in it, and all the accessories you get with in the other pack, Wow, Just WOW!

Here is that link again –

Go here Right Now – << Link >>


[Your Name]…


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